Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Intentions hidden from plain sight
Atrocious schemes surface beyond the horizon
Uncover the sins of the past
Unearthing the wrongs of passion long gone
Bring upon the residue of motionless spitfire
And lay the blame on love
We are masked behind this veil
We are masked behind this shield

Thursday, October 16, 2008

For a dream is only but a fleeting moment of feelings in this dumb little head

Looking back
Nothing can compare to what you mean to me
Nothing in this world is worth the trouble, the wait and the risk
I was willing to give you all and still am
For what lifts me up are not the angels in the sky
Nor the beauty of the natural world
But the thought of you in all the little precious moments we had together

Its been so long why is it again that I have to be reminded of you?
I just cannot forget what seems to be the bittersweet of my past
My past.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Linda Liao reminds me of you
That beautiful face and that beautiful smile
though you were never there
I regret that I let you go
Crazy like me
You never did love
but in you
I found what love meant to me
Kissing you in my dreams
unsuspecting, the best in my dreams
Only in my dreams

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Beeter than I you and me
We have became puppets of this time
Struggling to portray the image to the sightless
Turning ourselves into creatures that have become blind
Insude the fire we burn
The unquenching desire for liberation
Steal a cry we deem freedom mine

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