Sunday, August 01, 2004

Tribute to the NFKs in this world

NFKs..... where do i start? NFK is a short for No Fear Kid... No i know wat u r thinking... nopez its not becuz these kids r fearless.... This NFKs r kids who are factory produced sec 1,2,3,4 kids who have geled centre parted hair with the macdonald M shape struting around like as if they own the world uttering mindless nonsense... Most IMPT of all... they wear stupid cheapo pasar malam 'No Fear' T-shirts.........

Yes dats why they r called NFKs These kids dun know the meaning of respect and think they r some big time gangster... Highly irritating... Play arcade and cheat... think they r great after living for onli 15 yrs...

I used to eat these kids for breakfast... now they jus irritate me still but the difference is... i dun do anything to them now... sad... but looking at the situation now i think i jus might explode one day.....

By Noraa

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