Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Life Goes On.......... Eventually.....

So sinful the love that cannot be forgotten
He brings out the lamp that should have been broken
Cannot deny the fact that he has loved and lost
They condemn him down to the depths of his thoughts
Alone and heartbroken he cries inside
Although he loves her he just wants to hide
Explicit his thoughts ever about loving her more
All of them are broken never to be seen anymore
So tired the man he dwells in his shadow
Gets into people to try and forget himself

Silently the mind plays with him,
TOYS and TORTURES and brings to the SLAUGHTER
Contrary to the mind is but a subset
He brings in the notion that there is no other
Satisfied with his own desires never too be seen again

Blasted out are the deep regions of brain matter
He cannot think clearly anymore
He does not want to think anymore
Forget the lonely chatter
Ain't got time for the thoughts in his head
Mindless numbing will come soon enough
Needless to say it does not suffice
Endless frustration his only device

The finale is near or so it seems
As he moves on into another dream
Of trees and green and everything extreme
The end will not come
Torture will ensue and the life of what is will be lengthened and screwed
There can be no end to this misery
He sees no end to this comedy
Comedy fit for the Gods
Triumvirate of laughers
Laughing at the reality of this tragedy
Adds the needed touch to destroy a man
Already so broken and down he can never get back up again
The END....

Or is it?

By Aaron

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