Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Elegie 1

Fetch from the glory of the past
The gift of brilliance once fawned
now it is gone
Never did i realise the significance
Never did i see the truth
Would i ever wake from this?
the earth without taste would be destroyed
garden of oblivion on toward

Darkness becomes of me
Redemption would not suffice
For it may just be over the horizon
beyond eternal reach
escape is futile against what is your nature
proud, jealous, evil and hedonistic

I am but a man.
Jealousy holds onto my heart
Nothing can be said of what is inside
an undesirable undecipherable box.
Box of things felt but not said
Emotions make me want to push my fingers into my...
eyes, its the only thing that looks at you
It transcends the outer and gets closer
To the truth it unfolds
The lies it will hold

We are but dust in the wind
Specks of this vast black diamond
beautiful and impure
Majesty and shamed
fathom nothing but nothing itself
truth is nowhere what it seems to be
Sad but true, yes it is
You may think i am done
No i am not done
For i have only just begun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HiHi tOtO~pOsting aS anOnym cuZ i Lazee 2 acTuaLLy siGn iN uNless i wAnna staRt a Blog..anYway dUnno wAd poem iSh this..u arh still The same..eveR so dEpreSsed..so sAd! c'mOn cheer uP..spreAd the happIness and whAt have u...not the sadistic n unhappy..mean side of Toto chan yA? hEex..nyWay..continUe oN witH ur bLogz..im aLwayS KpO-ing heex..*hUgz* tAke caRe

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